An Independent HelmsBriscoe Associate | 636-678-7661 |

Jill Stone

Your Meeting Matchmaker Fairy Godmother

Post-Event Duties

Event Planning Advice

Post-event duties

After a conference, the attendees pack their bags and go home – excited and inspired! Meeting managers take a few minutes to high-five their team and then, well, they have a lot more work to do. Here is your After-Event-Wrap-Up List. Feedback: Collecting feedback from attendees helps the team determine what worked, didn’t work, needs… Read more

AI for Meeting Planners



Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be popping up everywhere and in every industry, and event planning is no exception. Here are some ways that planners can use AI to streamline their processes and enhance their events and provide attendees with an ideal experience. Personalized Recommendations Meeting planners can use AI to analyze attendee data to… Read more

Movie Night!


Movie Night

Planners have a backstage pass to their events. Backstage is a whirlwind where fires are put out, immediate challenges are addressed and well, the stories we have to tell. From the front of the house the event looks great, the behind the scenes are usually not revealed to the audience. For those who do not… Read more

Experiential Dining is on Trend

Attendee Experience

Experiential Dining

Been there, done that – that’s a valid thought. Many have experienced table side knife-wielding, shrimp juggling, stir fry. Also, places like Rainforest Café for a bit of thunder, lightning and ape escapes. These experiences still exist, but their novelty may have worn off a bit. It’s now time for some updated experiential dining trends… Read more

Running for That Plane

Travel and Hospitality

Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill” saved the universe in Season 4 of Stranger Things. For some of us, no matter the season, we seem to always be running for that plane. Here are some that items that can help any procrastinator still make it to the gate on time: Tile: This tiny device is… Read more

We Could All Use a Little, Well a lot, of Change

Event Planning Advice


It seems we are all feeling the pinch, costs are high making everyone feel a bit unstable. Not too very long ago, eggs were considered just a part of breakfast, now they’re practically a luxury item – now we’re wondering if the eggs are coming from golden geese. That is, if you can even find… Read more

Valentine’s Day Goods

Attendee Experience

I heart you, Meeting Planner! Next week we celebrate the love-liest day of the year – Valentine’s Day <3 A day when flowers, chocolate and more abound. Show love for staff and clients by sending out some “goods”! Do Good: Flowers: Flowers are always a welcome addition to any event. Does it break your heart… Read more

Do You Know Me?

Attendee Experience


In my last blog, I promised to share more about personalizing your meetings as Millennials become a prominent factor in the workforce. Millennials are accustomed to being served their interests. If they engage with something online, they expect more of the same to be sent their way. Algorithms on digital platforms like Instagram and TikTok… Read more

Party Like It’s 2023!

Event Planning Advice

Party Like 2023

Hey Planners – last year had its ups and downs . . . and this year will too. My hope for you is that you experience a lot more ups than ever this year! It’s looking good for us. As we move further and further away from the pandemic, people are ready to party like… Read more

Flight-y Stocking Stuffers

Travel and Hospitality

It’s beginning to look a lot like travel during the holidays. It’s also the time to give some travel related gifts! Here is a roundup of some of my new faves, all perfectly sized and priced as stocking stuffers for flight-y friends! Instant Stain Remover: Tide To Go is the perfect travel companion in the… Read more