An Independent HelmsBriscoe Associate | 636-678-7661 |

Jill Stone

Your Meeting Matchmaker Fairy Godmother

The Amazing Meeting Planning Race

in: Creativity Event Planning Advice Site Selection

Meeting Planners must navigate some crazy territories. You live the Amazing Race every year!

First you are dropped off at an unknown location called Site Selection. Have you ever heard something like this before? “Hello Meeting Planner, this year we would like to have the meeting somewhere close, budgets you know, but it should have golf and snow skiing, no bugs, a large meeting space with 20 more rooms for breakout sessions, at least 4 swimming pools, and we would like to have one night with a well-known someone singing a repertoire of songs from the 80s. We can’t pay them, but we will give them a lot of exposure!” Leaving you to think – where is this magical location?

Somehow this location is found! (Um, this could be most easily and efficiently found by a fabulous Site Selection Manager I just happen to be very close to). Next stop is the hazardous terrain of Contract Negotiations; where at times those brilliant addendums of yours are met with a few raised eyebrows and where the room rate may start to look less than wonderful as mysterious new charges are found (think Soap Usage Tax).

Watch out! At one point you may also find yourself in Concession Court; a place of twists, turns and perilous curves; and if you’re not careful, a dead end. (Again, that Site Selection Manager I was telling you about, she is really good at what she does and can help you to clearly and easily navigate these particular terrains).

Finally, it’s on to Meeting Planning Country, a place where you are your most creative, comfortable and thriving. While there you may enjoy the fare at BEO Street, experience the sights and sounds of  A/V Lane, then take a turn onto Pre-Con Drive, where the evidence of your Amazing Meeting Planning Race is obvious and should be celebrated. After that it is smooth (most of the time) sailing to the Finish Line.  Just another day of Successful Meeting Planning!


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