An Independent HelmsBriscoe Associate | 636-678-7661 |

Jill Stone

Your Meeting Matchmaker Fairy Godmother

Clone Yourself with One Phone Call

Recently, Cathy Sexton, The Productivity Expert, asked me to be on her radio show “Ignite Your Performance.”  It was so much fun to be interviewed and have the opportunity to talk about what I do. Thank you so very much to Cathy for making it easy, she is a great interviewer and I so very[...]

I LOVE Meeting Planners

I know it may sound cliché, but I really do “heart” meeting planners! I wish I could send each of you a big box of chocolates and nice bouquet of flowers for Valentines Day. In lieu of such extravagances, please accept this VALENTINE from me to you: Value-Add: I add value to your life. Let[...]