An Independent HelmsBriscoe Associate | 636-678-7661 |

Jill Stone

Your Meeting Matchmaker Fairy Godmother

Housecleaning and Cleaning and Cleaning

in: Travel and Hospitality


COVID-19 has created a new level of cleaning for many businesses. What was being cleaned before, is being cleaned again and again many times over each and every day. For hotels and traversers, cleaning has taken center stage.

Hyatt, Hilton, and Marriott are just a few of the hotels announcing how they are now handling cleaning and being in a hotel. Some new protocols include hand sanitizer available at entrances and public areas, social distancing guidance, increased cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces in lobbies, restaurants, elevators, etc.

Many have formed cleanliness councils to address any and all concerns, which have helped to ensure that their hotels are germ and virus free. This may include the use of electrostatic sprayers with hospital-grade disinfectants, as well as new cleaning protocols and modifications around food safety, contactless check-in and check-out, and more.

Expect to see hotel staff wearing masks and other personal protective equipment. Staff is also being provided with enhanced training and well-being checks to ensure that they are not running a fever and wellness checks, including physical, mental, and emotional.

With this in mind, maybe it’s time for you to up your cleaning game as well. Here are some thoughts on what you can do to stay germ-free, super clean, and clear of viruses:

  • Carry hand sanitizer with you at all times.
  • Carry wipes that state they kill 99+% of germs. Many are available in travel packs.
  • Suitcases come up against all sorts of yucky surfaces in airports, roads, overhead bins the list is long. Make sure to wipe them down when you get to the hotel.
  • Wipe down your hotel room – the sink area, doorknobs, toilet area, desk surface area, clocks, etc.
  • Wash any wine glasses, water glasses, mugs and such in hot soapy water.
  • Before showering, squirt a bit of shampoo in the tub and rinse out with hot water for a few minutes.
  • You’ve heard it before – wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!

Thank you to all the businesses out there that understand the importance of keeping us safe and well at this time. Thank you to all my hotel partners for their dedication to their clients. Here’s to them, here’s to you and the here’s to the new normal we are creating together at this time.

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