An Independent HelmsBriscoe Associate | 636-678-7661 |

Jill Stone

Your Meeting Matchmaker Fairy Godmother

ROI (Groan) and Meeting Planning

Many of us are simply not too thrilled about Return on Investment. It seems slippery, hard to come to, difficult to measure. Some things are simply not measurable. There is not, to my knowledge anyway, an actual happy-meter that measures the happiness of your attendees with a meeting; though a ballroom full of smiles is[...]

On Budget

As meeting planners I know the word “budget” can cause a bit of  teeth gnawing and jaw grinding. You can create the best, most awesome, outrageously amazing meeting, but if it does not come in on or under budget, those powers that be will not be very happy. The next time you are in budget[...]

Bye Bye Burnout!

Hello Meeting Professional! With your job clocking in as number 6 of the most stress-related jobs, avoiding burn out is a must do for you. Here is an interesting fact; people who work only (nowadays, “only” is an appropriate word to use here) 40 hours a week get as much, if not more, done than[...]

Conventions are a Serious Business

Although those that are not in the hospitality industry think that all meetings and conventions are just an excuse to party, a la Fred Flintstones’ Water Buffalos Convention (Grand Poobah included), those of us “in the know” know that meetings and conventions are serious business. It is a place where people commune to exchange information[...]

RFP Organization 101

Welcome to the RFP Organization 101 Class. Oh wait, what are you doing here? You do not need this class! Why? Because . . . . you have me. Okay, I know that organizing RFP responses from hotels ranks in your top five of fun when it comes to meeting planning. Oh, it doesn’t? It’s[...]

Meeting Planner Profile: Mikel Robinson

Thank you to everyone who participated in my Happy New Year contest. The winner is Mikel Robinson! Mikel plans meeting for a few associations, most notably the International Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF), whose members include “experts in all aspects of Wildland fire management.” The organization offers a “neutral forum for the consideration of important,[...]

Meeting Planner or Miracle Worker?

Maybe it is our can-do attitude, our difficulty in saying “no,” or our undeniable confidence in what we do, but meeting planners are often times viewed as modern-day miracle workers. And though the honor is quite appreciated, at times it can make us feel a bit wiggy, causing us to want to ask, “Are you[...]

Third Party Planners; the New Power Brokers in Meetings

Have you checked out your latest (February 2012) issue of Meetings & Conventions Magazine? Notice that none other than our own Roger Helms graces the cover. The article focuses on how third party planners have gained momentum as a definite and necessary player in the meetings industry. Meeting planners have watched their departments dwindle over[...]

Must Have Technologies for Meeting Planners (and the next must have step to take)

There are many technologies that will make your meeting planning life so much easier. If you are not up on these technologies, then here is a soft nudge to get you moving in the right direction.  Don’t get left behind! Smartphones: If you are not packing a smartphone in your tote, then what are you[...]

Happy New Year Contest!

Happy New Year to all you wonderful meeting planners out there. So, did you spend all your Santa Money and Gift Certificates? Well, here is your chance to win a little bit more spending fun and it is soooo easy. I have been hinting around about an upcoming contest and here we are. I will[...]